EPSG:8729 - NAD83 / Georgia West (ftUS) + NAVD88 height (ftUS)



US survey foot


Engineering survey, topographic mapping.



Area of use

United States (USA) - Georgia - counties of Baker; Banks; Barrow; Bartow; Ben Hill; Berrien; Bibb; Bleckley; Brooks; Butts; Calhoun; Carroll; Catoosa; Chattahoochee; Chattooga; Cherokee; Clarke; Clay; Clayton; Cobb; Colquitt; Cook; Coweta; Crawford; Crisp; Dade; Dawson; De Kalb; Decatur; Dooly; Dougherty; Douglas; Early; Fannin; Fayette; Floyd; Forsyth; Fulton; Gilmer; Gordon; Grady; Gwinnett; Habersham; Hall; Haralson; Harris; Heard; Henry; Houston; Irwin; Jackson; Jasper; Jones; Lamar; Lee; Lowndes; Lumpkin; Macon; Marion; Meriwether; Miller; Mitchell; Monroe; Morgan; Murray; Muscogee; Newton; Oconee; Paulding; Peach; Pickens; Pike; Polk; Pulaski; Putnam; Quitman; Rabun; Randolph; Rockdale; Schley; Seminole; Spalding; Stewart; Sumter; Talbot; Taylor; Terrell; Thomas; Tift; Towns; Troup; Turner; Twiggs; Union; Upson; Walker; Walton; Webster; White; Whitfield; Wilcox; Worth.

Data Source: EPSG v11.022 2024-11-05

Datum: North American Datum 1983

Coordinate System: Undefined

Projection: Undefined

Geodetic CRS: Undefined


COMPOUNDCRS["NAD83 / Georgia West (ftUS) + NAVD88 height (ftUS)",
    PROJCRS["NAD83 / Georgia West (ftUS)",
            DATUM["North American Datum 1983",
                ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,
        CONVERSION["SPCS83 Georgia West zone (US survey foot)",
            METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
            PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",30,
            PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",-84.1666666666667,
            PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9999,
            PARAMETER["False easting",2296583.333,
                LENGTHUNIT["US survey foot",0.304800609601219],
            PARAMETER["False northing",0,
                LENGTHUNIT["US survey foot",0.304800609601219],
            AXIS["easting (X)",east,
                LENGTHUNIT["US survey foot",0.304800609601219]],
            AXIS["northing (Y)",north,
                LENGTHUNIT["US survey foot",0.304800609601219]]],
    VERTCRS["NAVD88 height (ftUS)",
        VDATUM["North American Vertical Datum 1988"],
            AXIS["gravity-related height (H)",up,
                LENGTHUNIT["US survey foot",0.304800609601219]]],
        SCOPE["Engineering survey, topographic mapping."],
        AREA["United States (USA) - Georgia - counties of Baker; Banks; Barrow; Bartow; Ben Hill; Berrien; Bibb; Bleckley; Brooks; Butts; Calhoun; Carroll; Catoosa; Chattahoochee; Chattooga; Cherokee; Clarke; Clay; Clayton; Cobb; Colquitt; Cook; Coweta; Crawford; Crisp; Dade; Dawson; De Kalb; Decatur; Dooly; Dougherty; Douglas; Early; Fannin; Fayette; Floyd; Forsyth; Fulton; Gilmer; Gordon; Grady; Gwinnett; Habersham; Hall; Haralson; Harris; Heard; Henry; Houston; Irwin; Jackson; Jasper; Jones; Lamar; Lee; Lowndes; Lumpkin; Macon; Marion; Meriwether; Miller; Mitchell; Monroe; Morgan; Murray; Muscogee; Newton; Oconee; Paulding; Peach; Pickens; Pike; Polk; Pulaski; Putnam; Quitman; Rabun; Randolph; Rockdale; Schley; Seminole; Spalding; Stewart; Sumter; Talbot; Taylor; Terrell; Thomas; Tift; Towns; Troup; Turner; Twiggs; Union; Upson; Walker; Walton; Webster; White; Whitfield; Wilcox; Worth."],
  "$schema": "https://proj.org/schemas/v0.7/projjson.schema.json",
  "type": "CompoundCRS",
  "name": "NAD83 / Georgia West (ftUS) + NAVD88 height (ftUS)",
  "components": [
      "type": "ProjectedCRS",
      "name": "NAD83 / Georgia West (ftUS)",
      "base_crs": {
        "name": "NAD83",
        "datum": {
          "type": "GeodeticReferenceFrame",
          "name": "North American Datum 1983",
          "ellipsoid": {
            "name": "GRS 1980",
            "semi_major_axis": 6378137,
            "inverse_flattening": 298.257222101
        "coordinate_system": {
          "subtype": "ellipsoidal",
          "axis": [
              "name": "Geodetic latitude",
              "abbreviation": "Lat",
              "direction": "north",
              "unit": "degree"
              "name": "Geodetic longitude",
              "abbreviation": "Lon",
              "direction": "east",
              "unit": "degree"
        "id": {
          "authority": "EPSG",
          "code": 4269
      "conversion": {
        "name": "SPCS83 Georgia West zone (US survey foot)",
        "method": {
          "name": "Transverse Mercator",
          "id": {
            "authority": "EPSG",
            "code": 9807
        "parameters": [
            "name": "Latitude of natural origin",
            "value": 30,
            "unit": "degree",
            "id": {
              "authority": "EPSG",
              "code": 8801
            "name": "Longitude of natural origin",
            "value": -84.1666666666667,
            "unit": "degree",
            "id": {
              "authority": "EPSG",
              "code": 8802
            "name": "Scale factor at natural origin",
            "value": 0.9999,
            "unit": "unity",
            "id": {
              "authority": "EPSG",
              "code": 8805
            "name": "False easting",
            "value": 2296583.333,
            "unit": {
              "type": "LinearUnit",
              "name": "US survey foot",
              "conversion_factor": 0.304800609601219
            "id": {
              "authority": "EPSG",
              "code": 8806
            "name": "False northing",
            "value": 0,
            "unit": {
              "type": "LinearUnit",
              "name": "US survey foot",
              "conversion_factor": 0.304800609601219
            "id": {
              "authority": "EPSG",
              "code": 8807
      "coordinate_system": {
        "subtype": "Cartesian",
        "axis": [
            "name": "Easting",
            "abbreviation": "X",
            "direction": "east",
            "unit": {
              "type": "LinearUnit",
              "name": "US survey foot",
              "conversion_factor": 0.304800609601219
            "name": "Northing",
            "abbreviation": "Y",
            "direction": "north",
            "unit": {
              "type": "LinearUnit",
              "name": "US survey foot",
              "conversion_factor": 0.304800609601219
      "type": "VerticalCRS",
      "name": "NAVD88 height (ftUS)",
      "datum": {
        "type": "VerticalReferenceFrame",
        "name": "North American Vertical Datum 1988"
      "coordinate_system": {
        "subtype": "vertical",
        "axis": [
            "name": "Gravity-related height",
            "abbreviation": "H",
            "direction": "up",
            "unit": {
              "type": "LinearUnit",
              "name": "US survey foot",
              "conversion_factor": 0.304800609601219
  "scope": "Engineering survey, topographic mapping.",
  "area": "United States (USA) - Georgia - counties of Baker; Banks; Barrow; Bartow; Ben Hill; Berrien; Bibb; Bleckley; Brooks; Butts; Calhoun; Carroll; Catoosa; Chattahoochee; Chattooga; Cherokee; Clarke; Clay; Clayton; Cobb; Colquitt; Cook; Coweta; Crawford; Crisp; Dade; Dawson; De Kalb; Decatur; Dooly; Dougherty; Douglas; Early; Fannin; Fayette; Floyd; Forsyth; Fulton; Gilmer; Gordon; Grady; Gwinnett; Habersham; Hall; Haralson; Harris; Heard; Henry; Houston; Irwin; Jackson; Jasper; Jones; Lamar; Lee; Lowndes; Lumpkin; Macon; Marion; Meriwether; Miller; Mitchell; Monroe; Morgan; Murray; Muscogee; Newton; Oconee; Paulding; Peach; Pickens; Pike; Polk; Pulaski; Putnam; Quitman; Rabun; Randolph; Rockdale; Schley; Seminole; Spalding; Stewart; Sumter; Talbot; Taylor; Terrell; Thomas; Tift; Towns; Troup; Turner; Twiggs; Union; Upson; Walker; Walton; Webster; White; Whitfield; Wilcox; Worth.",
  "bbox": {
    "south_latitude": 30.62,
    "west_longitude": -85.61,
    "north_latitude": 35.01,
    "east_longitude": -82.99
  "id": {
    "authority": "EPSG",
    "code": 8729
{'crs_wkt': 'COMPOUNDCRS["NAD83 / Georgia West (ftUS) + NAVD88 height '
            '(ftUS)",PROJCRS["NAD83 / Georgia West '
            '(ftUS)",BASEGEOGCRS["NAD83",DATUM["North American Datum '
            '1983",ELLIPSOID["GRS '
            '1980",6378137,298.257222101,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],ID["EPSG",4269]],CONVERSION["SPCS83 '
            'Georgia West zone (US survey foot)",METHOD["Transverse '
            'Mercator",ID["EPSG",9807]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural '
            'origin",30,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8801]],PARAMETER["Longitude '
            'of natural '
            'origin",-84.1666666666667,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8802]],PARAMETER["Scale '
            'factor at natural '
            'origin",0.9999,SCALEUNIT["unity",1],ID["EPSG",8805]],PARAMETER["False '
            'easting",2296583.333,LENGTHUNIT["US survey '
            'foot",0.304800609601219],ID["EPSG",8806]],PARAMETER["False '
            'northing",0,LENGTHUNIT["US survey '
            'foot",0.304800609601219],ID["EPSG",8807]]],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["easting '
            '(X)",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["US survey '
            'foot",0.304800609601219]],AXIS["northing '
            '(Y)",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["US survey '
            'foot",0.304800609601219]]],VERTCRS["NAVD88 height '
            '(ftUS)",VDATUM["North American Vertical Datum '
            '1988"],CS[vertical,1],AXIS["gravity-related height '
            '(H)",up,LENGTHUNIT["US survey '
            'foot",0.304800609601219]]],USAGE[SCOPE["Engineering survey, '
            'topographic mapping."],AREA["United States (USA) - Georgia - '
            'counties of Baker; Banks; Barrow; Bartow; Ben Hill; Berrien; '
            'Bibb; Bleckley; Brooks; Butts; Calhoun; Carroll; Catoosa; '
            'Chattahoochee; Chattooga; Cherokee; Clarke; Clay; Clayton; Cobb; '
            'Colquitt; Cook; Coweta; Crawford; Crisp; Dade; Dawson; De Kalb; '
            'Decatur; Dooly; Dougherty; Douglas; Early; Fannin; Fayette; '
            'Floyd; Forsyth; Fulton; Gilmer; Gordon; Grady; Gwinnett; '
            'Habersham; Hall; Haralson; Harris; Heard; Henry; Houston; Irwin; '
            'Jackson; Jasper; Jones; Lamar; Lee; Lowndes; Lumpkin; Macon; '
            'Marion; Meriwether; Miller; Mitchell; Monroe; Morgan; Murray; '
            'Muscogee; Newton; Oconee; Paulding; Peach; Pickens; Pike; Polk; '
            'Pulaski; Putnam; Quitman; Rabun; Randolph; Rockdale; Schley; '
            'Seminole; Spalding; Stewart; Sumter; Talbot; Taylor; Terrell; '
            'Thomas; Tift; Towns; Troup; Turner; Twiggs; Union; Upson; Walker; '
            'Walton; Webster; White; Whitfield; Wilcox; '
 'false_easting': 2296583.333,
 'false_northing': 0.0,
 'geographic_crs_name': 'NAD83',
 'geopotential_datum_name': 'North American Vertical Datum 1988',
 'grid_mapping_name': 'transverse_mercator',
 'horizontal_datum_name': 'North American Datum 1983',
 'inverse_flattening': 298.257222101,
 'latitude_of_projection_origin': 30.0,
 'longitude_of_central_meridian': -84.1666666666667,
 'longitude_of_prime_meridian': 0.0,
 'prime_meridian_name': 'Greenwich',
 'projected_crs_name': 'NAD83 / Georgia West (ftUS)',
 'reference_ellipsoid_name': 'GRS 1980',
 'scale_factor_at_central_meridian': 0.9999,
 'semi_major_axis': 6378137.0,
 'semi_minor_axis': 6356752.314140356}